Daryl Townsend
Roads and Traffic Technical Officer
East Gippsland Shire Council
273 Main Street
Bairnsdale VIC 3875
Dear Daryl
Mallacoota Road Safety Plan Implementation
At a recent general meeting of the Mallacoota Progress Association Inc. (MPA), representing businesses, residents, volunteers and families in Mallacoota, concern was expressed about road safety in Mallacoota.
While it was agreed that in general road safety concerns are greatest during the tourist seasons, unsafe road usage has been exacerbated in recent months because of the construction work at Bastion Point. The dangers, not limited to Bastion Point Road, are to pedestrians, parents with prams, elderly and disabled users of electric mobility scooters, horse riders, skateboarders and cyclists, as well as to native wildlife.
MPA members voted that a coherent, overarching road safety plan for the town be put in place. Consequent consultation with Sergeant Andrew Scott of Victoria Police, Mallacoota, revealed that Sgt. Scott developed such a plan, and submitted it to you over a year ago for Shire approval, and then for you to seek implementation via VicRoads.
Despite Sgt. Scott’s extensively researched submission, you wrote in January this year that no action would be taken until completion of the Bastion Point construction. Given that the Mallacoota police submission was prepared prior to this construction work, the additional hazards in our town of heavily laden trucks should have been cause for hastening, not delaying, change. It is not acceptable to assert that this is a matter for VicRoads without acknowledging that VicRoads heeds Shire Council advice. You will be aware of this: http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/SafetyAndRules/SafetyIssues/Speed/VictoriasSpeedLimits.htm
Sgt. Scott’s plan has been sighted and, as you are aware, includes measures such as 50kph limits throughout town with 40kph for school zones and a further speed reduction for a shared zone between Bastion Point and Nelson Drive. MPA members support a 40kph limit for Bastion Point Road from Betka Road to the shared zone.
The MPA believes it is important that Sgt. Scott’s safety plan is considered as a matter of urgency. We would like you to indicate which sections of Sgt. Scott’s submission you have referred to Council and to VicRoads, and for you to inform us on what progress the Shire has made on the implementation of this road safety plan.
We look forward to your response.
MA Bartholomew
President MPA